Nordic Walking is the fastest growing outdoor aerobic exercise for years! There are not enough Nordic Walking Instructors in the UK to meet the demand from people who want to learn and take up Nordic Walking as their new sport. For the most up to date training techniques and professional coaching, sign up for the course that suits you and take a positive step in the right direction. As a leader in Nordic Walking services we provide programmes and support for fitness enthusiasts and professionals.
Fitness coaches, Pilates Instructors and Personal Trainers should aim to become certified as Nordic Walking Instructors to use Nordic Walking as a fantastic tool to train their clients.
Physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, homeopaths and nutritionists should use Nordic Walking within their treatments to improve the general health of their patients.
Outdoor enthusiasts, , walking leaders, everybody passionate about (nordic) walking can take up the Nordic Walking Instructor qualification to set up projects in their community ...